
Free Cup of Conversation

I don't know what a cup of conversation is, but I'll take anything that's free.


No Exit

No exit from the cemetary on Gravesend Place...clever.


Nap Time

The napping man doesn't have a blanket, so he must be warming up in the sun.


Invisible Owner

This dog is able to walk itself without an owner, much like the invisible dog toy of my childhood.


Why So Sad?

Australian outlets always look so sad, but this one laments being on fire.


Fuel the Fire

This sign appears to be instructing me to add gasoline to the already burning fire.


Interpreting a Trash Can

Is the trash can:
a) waving its arms in the air
b) a Viking
c) on fire
d) something else (leave a comment with your suggestin)


No Crash Helmets

But what if I'm cold or have been riding my bike? Or maybe I have epilepsy and need to wear a crash helmet. that's discrimination.


Evil Croc

That is one evil-looking crocodile. I definitely do not think he's the safest swimming partner.